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A place to post art, memes, stories, or general discussions about everyone's favorite winged scaly creatures.
Icon by @neotheta
1. No AI Generated content
We don't allow AI generated content in this community. Please only post content made by real humans (okay dragons too), there are other communities for AI generated content.
2. No bigotry or hostility to others
This community is meant to be a safe place for everyone, no matter what shape, size, or color they may be. Transphobia, homophobia, sexism, and the like will not be tolerated.
3. Credit The original artist.
If you submit art to the community that isn't your own you must credit the original artist. If it's a meme it's encouraged for you to do your best to find the original artist but it's not explicitly required.
4. No NSFW content
Please do not post NSFW content in this community, we are not interested in seeing dragon porn here. Please post that elsewhere. This also includes sexual role-playing.
AI generated content is often seen as low-quality (depending on the model used) and can lead to spammy, low-effort content. Many people also have strong opinions about it and get into arguments about whether it is acceptable or not, or whether AI generation makes you a bad or stupid person, whenever people post it. I'm not prepared to deal with and breakup these fights, so we just opted to not have it in this community to keep people happy.
If there is enough interest I might consider creating a community for AI generated dragon content on, and recruit moderators from the other AI communities there. If that happens I'll update the sidebar to link to that community as the place to go for AI generated dragons.
thanks for the reply
i don't think that there's enough interest to create another community. "We" can pin an exceptional thread maybe, where people can post promptly generated content and antiAI can just ignore or tolerate that 1 thread. Comments wouldn't pop up on their home as a new post and they can just ๐ once and be done with it.
I'll probably ask in dbzer0 if people there have an interest. I might think about the idea of having an AI thread since that would be more manageable, if there aren't enough people willing to start a community.