Altcoin for SolarPunk development?
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I’m interested in currencies with depreciating value as an incentive to spend or loan money without incentivizing excess wealth hoarding. This was first proposed by Silvio Gesell over 100 years ago but modern digital currencies may make the idea far easier to implement.
While a good idea in theory, such currencies are never going to be very popular as people loath easily visible and (externally) enforced inflation.
It is also not really all that different from a currency issuing entity regularly making additional money and causing inflation that way. Silvio Gesell developed his theories in contrast to largely gold pegged currencies of his time, and one can argue that fiat currencies of today are already largely implementing his ideas albeit on a larger scale, making the regional benefits less apparent.
The way to make this work is imho to clearly link the inflation to funding of widely agreed on common infrastucture spending through.
This is the kind of comment that I would expect from a Solarpunk, a critical, curious and hopeful hint to start a discussion towards a positive productive possible outcome, instead of the regular neo-rural cottagecore luddite cryptophobia rants