Toronto staff peg cost of provincially ordered bike lane removals at $48M
A vibrant community of 118,000 people, Guelph is ranked among the top ten places to live in Canada. The city is located in one of the strongest economic regions in the country - 100 kilometres west of Toronto, just east of Kitchener-Waterloo. Guelph is rich in culture, architecture, parks and riverside green spaces. In 2009 Guelph was also named one of the country's smartest communities, its safest city, and Canada's volunteer capital - Guelph.ca
They also need to change all sorts of traffic lights and repave large sections road. There are cement barriers implanted into the road and the large removable ones have been there for so long they'd leave imprints in the asphalt. Not to mention maneurvering through the city with construction equipment while attempting to keep one way traffic in a single lane open.