Percentage of Each State Taken Up by Corn Fields
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It's funny that they need all those dirty tricks when they already have the massive electoral college advantage.
And then all that pales in comparison to people not voting. Needs to be mandatory like Australia. Send in a blank ballot if you're so against it but you will do it.
Democrats would have about 15 more house seats too if it weren't for Republican gerrymandering in states like Ohio. Of course now they'll start passing more voting laws in the name of election security while limiting federal oversight in Republican areas.
Oh yeah shit could get real wild. My wife, previously annoyed at best with my guns, just bought a pistol that's appropriate for her small hands. I'm going to get a good rifle. If you are scared of guns try a class. They don't need to be scary once you understand how to be safe.
Get armed, just in case.