How to use Haveno?
This is the lemmy community of Monero (XMR), a secure, private, untraceable currency that is open-source and freely available to all.
Android (Cake Wallet) / (Monero.com)
iOS (Cake Wallet) / (Monero.com)
Instance tags for discoverability:
Monero, XMR, crypto, cryptocurrency
Haveno itself is a testing version which does not allow real trading.
You need to find other software based on Haveno, which allows real trading (uses Monero mainnet servers while Haveno itself a testnet?).
Possibly most popular is Reto (RetoSwap). Its official Github repository is https://github.com/retoaccess1/haveno-reto
I am yet to find any list of Haveno mainnet software. Btw. here is some guide which explains steps for trading inside Haveno based trading software: https://internetlifeforum.com/showthread.php?28833-Exchanging-Monero-and-fiat-privately-without-KYC-using-open-source-software-Haveno
Thanks! Yes I have also found RetoSwap