What book(s) are you currently reading or listening? December 10
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I had to put down Fellowship of the Ring for a while due to a cascade of library books, but I'm finally back to it. God I just love how that book flows.
When I want something simpler to read I've been going to the Hardy Boys books lately. Read a bunch of them as a kid, they're still quite enjoyable now. Normally if I reread something 20 years later it's pretty clearly no longer my taste, but I'm on book 3 and still enjoying them quite a bit.
I’ve been tempted to give a few a go again. They were my jam in middle school.
The first few are available on standard ebooks and they're quick, easy reads, go for it! With the caveat that the standard ebook versions are the original 1920s versions so there's a bit of weird racial stuff now and then.
Recently met the librarian at kid's school and he recommended me Hardy Boys as the next series to start (for the kid). Glad to see it still holds up well.