I just keep starting books lately. Yeesh.
Star Wars: Jedi Apprentice: The Rising Force: I have a fairly decent collection of Star Wars books, and recently my dad gave me all his old books plus a bunch from when I was a kid. Wanting to read one but not wanting to start YET ANOTHER book that would take a week to finish, I picked this up yesterday. 9% done.
I May Be a Guild Receptionist, but I'll Solo Any Boss to Clock Out on Time, Vol. 2: I read volume 1 last week. Blew through it. I loved it. I started volume 2 this week rather than finish off anything else. Genius move. 11% done.
Whalefall: Library surprise! Put it on hold months ago, got an email that it was ready just before the library workers went on strike, rushed to pick it up, read a few pages. It is now in the pile. 2% done.
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman: Sometimes I just want to read on my kobo. My kobo book for a long time has been Ulysses. Ulysses is a hard and long read. I needed a break from it so I started reading this... and am still reading it three weeks later. 54% done.
Ulysses : I've been reading this for a long time and wondering whether I understand it, like it, or generally have the slightest clue why I'm reading it, but when I pick it up and my brain doesn't bounce I am just enthralled by whatever the hell Joyce is doing. I'll get back to it eventually. 40% done.
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring: I got these lovely hardcovers a while back which are beautiful, feel lovely to read, have fantastic illustrations, and my god it's just a wonderful story... but lately I've been pretty lethargic and don't want to hold a hardcover. So it's been sitting by my bedside for ages. 37% done.
What do I start without finishing any of my other books next?
To some extent this feels like episode 2; the last few episodes didn't feel like they really moved along the main conflict with Marcus, but this one really sets up a proper encounter between Veltol (with more of his power available) and Marcus' minion(s). There's a point that ties back to everything else, not just a semi-SOL episode dealing with something random.
Not that I didn't enjoy the last few episodes, but clear progress towards the main conflict is always appreciated in this medium.