TIL about the greek question mark ;;;;;;;;;;
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thanks to eslint enforcing it in the default rules it's necessary for most typescript projects
Except that you should use Prettier for formatting instead of ESLint. That said, semicolons are useless noise
Why should you use that?
It adds even more auto formatting rules so you can basically stop thinking about formatting entirely. I used to be opinionated about formatting but now I just go with whatever prettier does. It's not always the best but it's consistent and it's a big chunk of my brain I can free up for things that matter. It also formats things safely so you don't run into those weird edge cases where semicolons matter if you choose to turn them off.
Aren't some of the scenarios for needing a semicolon logical-domain problems and not syntax issues? I wouldn't trust autoformatting to spot a logical problem, though I also hope no one is writing code that flippantly. (as if honest mistakes aren't common enough!)
Maybe there's some edge case but in my years of using prettier I haven't encountered one once.
Never used eslint. prettier is a must. semicolons are only needed to split some rare TS syntax lines.