[-] MotoAsh@lemmy.world 11 points 3 days ago

Once again demonstrating the versatility of "fuck".

[-] MotoAsh@lemmy.world 25 points 5 days ago

Hey! Don't put the prequels in with the enshittified Hollywood! They were enshittified by George jumping the gun on a mostly CG movie and having too much control on the scripts/etc.

That's totally different from executives demanding more runtime for more movies at a fast pace.

...The new sequels were definitely Disney enshittifying Star Wars, though.

[-] MotoAsh@lemmy.world 4 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

You're being downvoted, but that is EXACTLY how this otherwise benign moment will be weaponized by the right.

Republicans WILL share this as a slander, and the Dems will utterly fail to clarify the truth. They suck at clearing up Republican BS partly because clearing up lies always takes longer than speaking the lie, but the Dems have a track record of falling on their ass in the attempt.

The ratchet effect is real, which is why "enlightened centrism" is nothing but a moronic farce that runs cover for the ratchet mechanism. Republicans are literally vile, selfish pieces of shit that do not know what America stands for (or rather do not like what America stands for), and they MUST be treated as such.

Literal traitors should NEVER get the benefit of any doubt.

[-] MotoAsh@lemmy.world 3 points 6 days ago

I definitely remember some people screeing about Bush and Cheney wanting it, but IIRC, everyone was treating it like suspicion at most.

The Epstein conspiracy theory was accepted FAR more readily, but then that's basically guaranteed to be true to some degree, even if it was truly just the jailors being incompetent fuckwits that wanted to take justice in to their own hands.

[-] MotoAsh@lemmy.world 10 points 6 days ago

The only thing I remember people being remotely close to believing was that Bush was so incompetent that he allowed a terrorist attack to happen.

It's not really a theory that Bush was an incompetent fuckwit, but it's highly debatable if they knew enough to stop it.

[-] MotoAsh@lemmy.world 199 points 7 months ago

Parents who buy their children guns at all need to all be evaluated. There is seriously something wrong with giving children something whos intended purpose is delivering lethal force.

[-] MotoAsh@lemmy.world 193 points 8 months ago

Wasn't Play Boy rather progressive at all times? What's the broken clock?

I really hate peoples' misconstruing of attraction with objectification. The presence of nudity doesn't make something bad, exploitative, or wrong. The presence of someone attractive does not mean that is the entire point.

[-] MotoAsh@lemmy.world 129 points 8 months ago

If grandpa's still voting R, he's voting for the fascists of the 21st century.

If you want to know what you would've done living in Germany in the 1930's...

[-] MotoAsh@lemmy.world 128 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Christofascist isn't just a neat pun. Guys like him masturbate to The Handmaid's Tale.

and a loooot of conservatives feel similarly. Bunch of weak men mistaking their agression for confidance and not the fear-driven response that it is.

[-] MotoAsh@lemmy.world 186 points 10 months ago

Wait, Google cares about DMCA abuse!? Someone tell them about YouTube.

[-] MotoAsh@lemmy.world 141 points 11 months ago

All corporations. All corporations will not be happy until ownership is a concept of the past. You are borrowing the company's resources and paying them for the service.

If you don't like it, stop heralding capitalism as the be-all of economic systems...

[-] MotoAsh@lemmy.world 138 points 1 year ago

It is HIGHLY silly to even imply these woes are from a, "learn-on-the-job" crew/etc.

Many of the allegations are about basic factual information being wrong and a terrible work environment.

Those DO NOT naturally show up in any ol' little work environment. They show up when there's a lack of professionalism and basic respect for fellow humans.

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