"Zero fucks given" in other languages
People tweeting stuff. We allow tweets from anyone.
We also say "it's sausage to me", as Czech-German calques are very common, but the more frequent expression is "it's blow to me".(as in a gust of air).
I haven't heard "Mám v píči" but probably because it's the most informal option.
Similar to sausage one ("Je mi to buřt") there's also "Mám to na salámu" (I have that on salami). Another one that I hear quite often is "Je mi to šumák" (It's a fizzy drink to me).
Mám v piči: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXktQC4h9sE&pp=ygUMbcOhbSB2IHBpxI1p