this post was submitted on 25 Jan 2025
964 points (99.0% liked)

Murdered by Words

1843 readers
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Responses that completely destroy the original argument in a way that leaves little to no room for reply - a targeted, well-placed response to another person, organization, or group of people.

The following things are not grounds for murder:


  1. Be civil and remember the human. No name calling or insults. Swearing in general is fine, but not to insult someone else.
  2. Discussion is encouraged but arguments are not. Don’t be aggressive and don’t argue for arguments sake.
  3. No bigotry of any kind.
  4. Censor the person info of anyone not in the public eye.
  5. If you break the rules you’ll get one warning before you’re banned.
  6. Enjoy the community in the light hearted way it’s intended.

founded 2 years ago

Here's the original post by 3lau:

And apparently he didn't even get paid and covered his own travel costs:

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[–] 60 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Never heard of 3Lau and I'm not going to bother to look up what is probably shitty music to give him what he wants. But this is how morons get famous through angertainment. As they say, bad press is good press.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago (3 children)

The songs of his that I have in my rotation are:

  • On My Mind (with Yeah Boy)
  • How You Love Me (with Bright Lights)
  • Tokyo (with XIRA)
  • Hot Water (with Audien and Victoria Zero)

I guess I only like his music when he's tempered with a collaborator.

I doubt this news will change my listening habits, but it does provide more evidence I should buy and save my music instead of streaming it, so I can avoid further funding my political opposition while still appreciating their art.

[–] 9 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

I have never heard of any of those songs, and I listen to a lot of electronic music.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Here's my "Most Listened": I'd be glad to hear some of your suggestions, but I think we might have different taste, even among EDM.

[–] 6 points 1 month ago
[–] 2 points 1 month ago

I had like 4 remixes from years ago that arent in rotation.