Trump says Ukraine 'should have never started it' in comments about war with Russia
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I mean, plenty of people are. But I think you've got about four groups here:
Supporters. These people are angry at the world and feel like it's ripped them off and that Trump is gonna make things better.
Means-to-an-end types. These guys probably would rather not, all else held equal, have Trump saying Trump things, but if it gives them power to get what they want through -- e.g. tax policy changes, labor regulations, slashing government services, etc -- it's an acceptable trade. I think that a considerable portion of Republican Party politicians fit into this camp. It's not that Trump doing this is desirable, but it's that he's managed to get voters to give them power to do what they want...and those voters probably in aggregate don't actually want their policies and would not actually otherwise vote them the political power to do what they want.
Prince Feisal, Lawrence of Arabia
People who are indeed embarrassed.
People who don't really think or care or often know all that much about the outside world. They're just off doing their thing. Go back to 2014, and here are a bunch of Americans asked to locate Ukraine on a world map:
Like, most people in the US really don't care that much about the international stage; it doesn't usually play a huge role in domestic politics. Most people don't have a great handle on what NATO is, what exactly the UN is, where most countries in Europe are, aside from maybe a handful of major countries. And once the Cold War ended, the American public's attention to Europe fell off: