
joined 4 weeks ago
[–] Tuuktuuk@sopuli.xyz 1 points 4 hours ago (1 children)

What do you mean with this "As Russia keeps advancing"? It has not advanced since February 2022. The conversation is a bit difficult when the foundations of the conversation are so uneven. You talk about "Russia advancing", and to my knowledge, that has not happened. Could you please elaborate?

[–] Tuuktuuk@sopuli.xyz 2 points 4 hours ago (5 children)

I asked for a person without a Lemmy account to install Voyager and make some screenshots. So, here's what my experience was like, and apparently that of others as well. I hope it helps understand in which way the average user is an idiot :) Here goes:

First, I launch the program. This is the screen I get:

So, I've already got an account, so I don't need to join Lemmy. Therefore, I choose the other option, "Pick another server", in order to tell which server my user account is on, and log in to that server.

Then I'm in this screen:

I choose Sopuli and all I get is a form for creating a new username. But why would I want to create a new one? I tried long-pressing the sopuli.xyz text, and got nothing.

Obviously, in the first screen there is the "Log in" button, but because there was "Join" and "The other option", I had assumed the "other option" must include the login. The text can be interpreted that way as well.

And, at the point when I was already at the list of Lemmy servers, the "Log in" option was nowhere to see, and I didn't come up with the idea of going back to the first screen, because I assumed I had already seen both of the buttons there, and I was sure I had pressed the button that was not "Join lemm.ee".

Then I gave up. Some days later I accidentally launched the program again when I was supposed to do something completely different on my phone. Oops. But, the good thing was, I got to that first screen again. And I double-checked that I'm indeed pressing the "Pick another server" button in order to log in with my pre-existing username, and then I noticed the Log In text that is not a button. And pressed it and found out that yes, Voyager does actually support using pre-existing usernames! And nowadays I'm using Lemmy.

Now I've heard of a few people who have installed Lemmy and all of them have first given up, and then tried again after I've told them to "look for the hidden Log In button in the first screen".

"Log in" is what most people will want to do, so people will assume that it will be one of the most prominent buttons. There can be reasons not to make it more prominent than it is; in that case the next screen, with the list of servers, could have a button for "Actually, what I want to do is log in with a username I already have!"

[–] Tuuktuuk@sopuli.xyz 1 points 10 hours ago

I'd like a "write here or choose from the list below" approach :)

[–] Tuuktuuk@sopuli.xyz 1 points 1 day ago (3 children)

~300000 vs. ~70000. 140 million vs 40 million.


0,0021 deaths per inhabitant vs 0,0018 deaths per inhabitant.

In military losses including wounded the Russia's situation is better in comparison to population, if.you look at raw numbers: about twice as many losses, but 3½ times the population. But it is always much easier for the defender to recruit soldiers than it is for the aggressor, so you'd need to add a coefficient for that. All in all, these numbers are in the same ballpark. They should not be able to make a huge difference, because both are decreasing at roughly comparable rates.

And I repeat: because of the Russia's exceptionally cruel behaviour in the temporarily occupied regions, the Ukrainians are likely to find much more manpower if manpower shortage becomes acute enough for the Russia to start advancing.

I don't think either side is going to win or lose the war because of manpower shortages.

[–] Tuuktuuk@sopuli.xyz 1 points 1 day ago (5 children)

Not necessarily. But it does habe about the same amount if trouble. Remember that the Russia's manpower consumption is extremely high, so they need to recruit a lot more than Ukraine in order to.keep their army from shrinking in manpower.


I keep hearing of people who have used Lemmy for a few days or a few weeks and want to start using a mobile version – often Voyager.

They open Voyager for the first time, and get a screen with a button for logging in. They get a choice for which Lemmy instance to join, but no place for entering their existing username or password.

I've told them that "in the first screen there is a button that is very difficult to notice, allowing you to use a pre-existing Lemmy username. Find that semi-hidden button, click it, and you can login."

It is of course a working workaround to pre-emptively tell people that the button exists, is just very well hidden, and needs to be clicked by most people who download Voyager. But still, it would be cool if the screen for new users could be altered so that the ability to log in with a pre-existing username was equally visible as the choice to create a new account!

[–] Tuuktuuk@sopuli.xyz 1 points 1 day ago (7 children)

The Russia has those same problems as well, not only Ukraine. And Ukraine has the good thing that if it starts really seriously losing ground because of lack of soldiers, they will get more soldiers. People are scared shitless of what would happen if the Russia took over their homes. Ukraine's problem with the number of soldiers is a self-correcting one.

Also, the Russia needs to pay an increasing amount of money to hire soldiers. They get 200 000 Rubles per month for the service, while in the rural areas 8 000 Rubles per month is a realistic salary for a factory worker. It's a big difference, but anything smaller would not get people to risk their lives. And now that everything is getting more expensive with inflation around 20 %, you can buy all the time less and less bread for those 200 000 Rubles per month. And it's not really Rubles that they are after, but bread and heating. When prices of bread and heating rise, then also the soldiers' requirements for the salary level rise the same amount. There are reports of Russian troops' numbers dwindling.

It is true that Ukraine does have troubles recruiting soldiers, but it is a problem only if those troubles are bigger than how the enemy is faring regarding the same. If the Russia has more troubles recruiting soldiers than Ukraine does, then it's a net positive for Ukraine in the end.

[–] Tuuktuuk@sopuli.xyz 1 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Here's something that was among the first search results when searching for Russia Kherson torture: https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/04/13/ukraine-russian-torture-center-kherson

And then of course you can just read Putin's texts and texts published by the government's news agency RIA, telling that Ukrainians are not really human and they should not exist. He's told several times, first in 2021, that the existence of Ukrainians is a problem that needs to be corrected. And right in the last few days now in March 2025 he has been reiterating that there can be a ceasefire negotiations only if Ukraine first demilitarizes, which shows that if Putin doesn't manage to conquer all of Ukraine, he sees the war as an utter defeat. His goal is to remove the nation of Ukrainians from the face of this planet, and he is not going to settle with anything less.

Yes, of course at the moment the genocide is somewhat dormant, because the Russia needs to concentrate on other efforts. But what happened in Bucha and Irpin and other Russia-occupied territories in early 2022 is what will happen elsewhere in full scale (and is happening in a smaller scale already now) if the Russia manages to completely take over Ukraine. Ukrainians understand this, and that's why the country is ready to fight until the last man standing, if that must be. Still a better death.

Now I'll need to go sleeping (already two hours ago, heh), but do search for "russian media monitor" genocide on Youtube. Here's one video that I found very quickly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEDMbF-F4lo . This is from the main channel of the national television in the Russia.

This article was one of the most clearly articulated I've read in the Russian media: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/What_Russia_Should_Do_with_Ukraine . They used to write a lot about this in early 2022, because they thought they would start with it soon full scale and need to prepare the Russian people for removing the Ukrainians. The main point of the article was that in one part it said that all nazis in Ukraine should be killed, and in another part of the same article it was said that anybody who supports the Ukrainian regime is a nazi. And here's about Putin's speech from three days before the war turned into a full-scale invasion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Address_concerning_the_events_in_Ukraine (And since the full-scale invasion was supposed to happen on 22.02.2022, it was supposed to be on the day before.)

After 2022, there have been constant references to the same idea, but Putin has retained the main thought that it is imperative for the Russia to get rid of the concept of Ukrainians existing.

[–] Tuuktuuk@sopuli.xyz 1 points 2 days ago (3 children)

Yes? WTF is this question of yours supposed to mean?

[–] Tuuktuuk@sopuli.xyz 2 points 2 days ago (5 children)

It's not life but death, though. What's so difficult to understand about the word "genocide"?

[–] Tuuktuuk@sopuli.xyz 5 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Half Life 4: Episode 3.

[–] Tuuktuuk@sopuli.xyz 6 points 2 days ago

And often the products don't even ever reach central Asia. In Finland they make customs papers where it's told that the wares are going to Kazakhstan. And that's okay for Finland, of course. Then on the Russian side, they show customs papers telling that the wares are going to the Russia. And that's okay for the Russia, of course. And then they bring the wares where they've told the Russian customs they will.

That's a ridiculously easy scheme to organize. You don't really even need any coöperation with anybody in Kazakhstan. How this should work is that EU countries would make inspections in Kazakhstan, and if the wares don't reach the inspectors in Kazakhstan by the promised date, the truck's driver gets a punishment, such as being forbidden entry to Schengen area for five years or so. And maybe that could be organized so that the driver only hears about being caught when he's back to the EU again and will lose his truck as a tool used for crime.

[–] Tuuktuuk@sopuli.xyz 2 points 2 days ago

It's not a terribly large amount of work to repair a broken pipeline. It will be down for some days, possibly only hours. What can be done is destroying the pump stations, which, then again, are much smaller targets than the whole pipe. And they are being destroyed, like we just read. And then there are the oil refinineries. Their fracking towers tops are full of the most flammable types of fuel and because that tower is what takes in the crude oil, sorts its "parts" and sends those parts for refining in other parts of the facility, the facility cannot do anything if that tower gets badly damaged. And it's also very expensive to fix them, and you need western spare parts that Turkey can offer in some amounts, but not terribly quickly.


Stefan Korshak is one of the bloggers I follow regularly. I like his texts because they often bring up points other sources tend not to, and are written so that the point comes across very easily. He is a reporter who had moved to Ukraine long before the full-scale invasion of 2022.

Here's his latest text :)


Oikein hyvä asia, että tästä tehdään taas kerran uutisia. Asia, joka pitäisi saada kuntoon. Joko junamatkailun tuet samalle tasolle tai sitten lentoliikenteen tuet pois.

cross-posted from: https://sopuli.xyz/post/2302885


The text manages to be quite surprising to me.

There was talk about USA wanting a share of Ukraine's mineral wealth, but this agreement looks more like an agreement about funding of Ukraine's reconstruction. It says that half of all income that Ukraine will free from the Russia will have to be put in this fund, but if the fund will be used for reconstructing Ukraine, how does this benefit USA?

Maybe it can be used for building mines for American companies, for them to use for free? Or maybe the fund can be liquidated and the money shared between Ukraine and USA?

But, my untrained eye cannot really recognize whatever shenanigans there might be hidden in the text.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by Tuuktuuk@sopuli.xyz to c/maatapitkinmatkustus@sopuli.xyz

Pohdiskelen tässä mahdollista matkaa lokakuulle. Pääkohde olisi eteläisessä Italiassa, varmaan ensisijaisesti Sisiliassa, mutta mukana olevaa lasta kiinnostaisi myös Ranska. Voisi käydä katsomassa hieman Pariisia ja mennä sitten yöjunalla joko tuonne Briançoniin tai Välimeren rannikolle päin Marseilleen, Touloniin, Cannesiin ja Nizzaan päin.

Mutta mitä noissa paikoissa on tehtäväksi ekaluokkalaisen ja ehkä 3½-vuotiaan kanssa?

Eteenpäin tuolta kai sitten jatkettaisiin yöjunalla Torinosta Reggio di Calabriaan tai ehkä jonnekin vähän lähemmäs. Vaikea suunnitella reissua paikkaan, jossa ei ole ollut.

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