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Yeah that's a top tier Angle roll. I also thought of something after posting this: What if the choice to make Refusal strand came down to the simple aspect of build crafting? Since Strand has two slots and Kinetic only has one, I wonder if more people simply build into strand weapons. Hence, make it work with reserves, reload, scavs, etc.
Also have to think thematically about a "kinetic" Glaive. We have one kinetic fusion (Bastion) and one kinetic linear fusion (Arbalest). They both utilize the firing of slugs (maybe through use of something like a rail gun). I don't know how they would be able to make a Glaive like that. It would definitely have to be exotic, but I still think glaives are under-used in pve. Their play-making potential is stupid high, but as far as flashy-ness is concerned, kinda dull.
Easy fix: Every glaive melee kill results in a Michael Bay explosion. Not an ignition, just the pyrotechnics.