Canada places 200% tariff on little Canadian flags Americans wear while travelling
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I know this is basically an Onion article, but I got some thoughts on this.
Honestly, I used to feel like that was a totally viable option when travelling to other countries as an American. Never did it myself but It was easier than explaining that you're not one of the "bad" ones. I've definitely heard my fair share of horror stories about Americans in other countries.
These days I'd just find it extremely disrespectful. At this point we really have no fucking excuse to not be better. If we don't own it and get our shit together I don't think we have a right to even pretend we are on the same level as Canada. The amount of solidarity Canadians have against the US right now is the kind of solidarity we wish we had. We'd rather fight with each other about whose fault it is and laugh at the ones that voted for Trump rather than come together. And just because you didn't vote for him doesn't mean you are automatically absolved of any responsibility. It's like saying Russia isn't the enemy because there are people there that disagree with the invasion of Ukraine.
bOtH sIdEs
It's kinda hard when one side literally wants you dead.
Where was the bargaining chip? Don’t shut down the gov, and the Rs win. Shut down the government, and doge and the pres win, and the rest of the Rs are still pretty happy.
They didn't have to do either, there was a resolution to fund the government for another month on last year's funding bill until something could be drafted that would pass.