I heard a company came close to finding a cure, but then they were bought out and gutted by some 80s guy.
"I was so busy being an 80's guy, I forgot to cure my boneitis!"
My only regret is that I have boneitus!
Don't you worry about blank. Let me worry about blank.
Blank? BLANK? You're not seeing the big picture!
We don't know much about him except that he's a shark.
my only regret
I heard a company came close to finding a cure, but then they were bought out and gutted by some 80s guy.
"I was so busy being an 80's guy, I forgot to cure my boneitis!"
My only regret is that I have boneitus!
Don't you worry about blank. Let me worry about blank.
Blank? BLANK? You're not seeing the big picture!
We don't know much about him except that he's a shark.
my only regret