xkcd : Earth Temperature Timeline
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What is geoscience?
Geoscience (also called Earth Science) is the study of Earth. Geoscience includes so much more than rocks and volcanoes, it studies the processes that form and shape Earth's surface, the natural resources we use, and how water and ecosystems are interconnected. Geoscience uses tools and techniques from other science fields as well, such as chemistry, physics, biology, and math! Read more...
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Very informative but you see, science doesn't convince the anti-science crowd, pretty much by definition.
Yup, but if I'm talking to someone who doesn't believe in man-made climate change and I show them the xkcd and answer their obvious follow-up question about how we know past temperature, and they STILL don't want to listen to me... well then I know I can never talk to that person again. :)
Too bad the anti-science crowd are our elected officials. ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ