this post was submitted on 11 Dec 2023
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deeply agree. it isn't even that well priced. just self-insure if you're worried. put $12 away into a separate account or something. you'll probably end up with extra money.
Remember, insurance companies are for-profit. You are likely not the one benefitting from this arrangement
Insurance companies also get parts wholesale and keep large stocks of referbished devices. Not saying they don't profit, but the margins aren't there because the pay in outweighs the risk, they're there because they have effective supply chains and manufacture direct deals to procure hardware at costs not offered to the general public.
That has some impact, sure, but insurance agencies generally profit by the assumption that not everybody will make a claim. Those that don't make a claim pay for those that do and they pocket the leftovers
That's pay in vs risk. Insurance companies for electronics would have long gone out of business without additional efficiencies over pay in vs risk. I worked for a national insurer for a while and electronic claims were several factors higher than health, life, or home.