not if you're European.
Not if you're *from anywhere fucking normal ftfy
"normal" 😂
Or in any country that’s important
America being backwards and dumb in many ways doesn't make them unimportant.
I think as an exception this is not one word.
Yes, it's 3 words: einunddreisigster Dezember zweitausendunddreiundzwanzig
(I put 12th instead of 31st in my first comment because I'm stupid)
Are ya ready kids?!
not if you're European.
Not if you're *from anywhere fucking normal ftfy
"normal" 😂
Or in any country that’s important
America being backwards and dumb in many ways doesn't make them unimportant.
I think as an exception this is not one word.
Yes, it's 3 words: einunddreisigster Dezember zweitausendunddreiundzwanzig
(I put 12th instead of 31st in my first comment because I'm stupid)