[D4] Season 3 - Unearth a Looming Threat in Season of the Construct
For discussion, memes, and everything Diablo.
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But that's the point. I don't give a damn about "mid seasons". I don't even really give a damn about seasons as a whole. I wanted them to properly improve the game, which has just way too many flaws for what its worth, and not waste their time on seasonal gimmicks that are just meant to keep me artificially in the game, same with the FOMO passes. Just fuck all this online & live action shit with all their dark patterns.
They thought they got me with their dark pattern, but I had already refunded the deluxe edition because it wouldn't let my friend do the xbox game sharing trick during early access. Then I bought standard edition on launch and my account still had the free battle pass, lmao gottem with my own dark pattern