GloriousEggroll announces new project to unify Proton runtimes
Gaming on the GNU/Linux operating system.
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Please be nice to other members. Anyone not being nice will be banned. Keep it fun, respectful and just be awesome to each other.
My worry is Valve will look at the project and shut it down. Remember, Valve doesn’t care about your Linux, it only cares about money. Not having users on their Client side platform means less revenue and less ads to show.
Do you know what open source means?
They're not relying on Valve's goodwill. The license explicitly permits this.
“Third party software included and respected byproducts of Valve’s proprietary”
Legit doesn’t mean you own all the code.
Oh, didn't notice you were the valve troll.
Carry on with your bullshit.
You’re the troll if you can’t explain why no one owns all the code. You can’t even accept the lawsuits that the people of America brought against to Valve Corporation.
Dont talk like you have anything worthwhile going when you refuse to acknowledge their crimes.
When you just make up imaginary phantom shit, no one is going to bother refuting it.
You cannot download all the code, try it bitch i know you can’t because i also cant. Next time confirm your conspiracy theory first.
Is this the first time you're hearing about open source software?
The code isn't the operating systems that Valve owns. networking 101, something connects to make the thing work. Not the code that follows the rules. Learn about it.