Hi, it's me. Guy who's super anal retentive about his finances. While you're glaring at me for holding up the line, I'm just passing that shade on to the cashier whom I have now asked twice for a receipt and is looking at me like I just asked for their first born child. I'm not leaving without one. Sorry about the wait.
I've been a cashier... Just give him a minute, each interaction and calculation is simple on its own but he's been doing it all day. It's harder than it looks!
Hi, it's me. Guy who's super anal retentive about his finances. While you're glaring at me for holding up the line, I'm just passing that shade on to the cashier whom I have now asked twice for a receipt and is looking at me like I just asked for their first born child. I'm not leaving without one. Sorry about the wait.
I've been a cashier... Just give him a minute, each interaction and calculation is simple on its own but he's been doing it all day. It's harder than it looks!
Having to make change and sml talk and not letting the mask slip is a juggling act that's difficult to keep up week after week