xkcd #2897: Light Leap Years
A community for a webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language.
Troll or not, this is the most ridicoulous take I've ever heard lol
If you define nerds = everything I don't like, then clearly nerds are the problem!
You must not leave your basement much
You can try insulting me as much as you want, your elementary school comeback is not going to land
How original 🙄
I see people like you, and I am reminded that Lemmy has nothing to dissuade those who chase the largest negative score.
Not saying that's what you're doing, just that if you aren't, you should consider it since you seem good at it
The day I start caring for internet points I want to be shot on the spot, please. I know, hard concept to grasp for low-to-middle educated Japanese culture aficionados.
I think it's hilarious that you promote nerd bashing on a platform where the majority is working with IT, just look how often posts from Programmer Humor trend.
Is it „bashing“ though to point out the well researched fact that the new right wing demagogues and fascists are finding a lot of sympathy from nerd circles ? The „manosphere“, gamers, Japanese culture afficionados (because alleged racial purity), 4chan trolls, etc.
Just saying „that’s not all nerds“ isn’t doing a good job of convincing anyone that they’re a problem and they didn’t use to be one. Something has changed.
What a depressing load of conspiracy nonsense you got hold of there. 🙄
I really don't want to get any links to pages that "prove" your point.
I think your average afd voter is more likely to bully nerds than befriend them.
Academia, the place where the woke idealogy is propped up by... Querdenker nerds? Lol give me a break
Fucking what?
It is well documented that the more educated someone is, the more likely they are to vote for left-wing politics. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2016/04/26/a-wider-ideological-gap-between-more-and-less-educated-adults/
Thus the right's war on education. They want uneducated masses to inundate with propaganda, not critical thinkers.
Also I think your definition of "nerd" is absurdly narrow. Dictionary says it's someone who is either highly enthusiastic about a particular topic or someone who is boringly studious. That's like, virtually everyone with a college degree. People tend to major in things they're enthusiastic about. Or, if they're just after the "best" diploma, they're probably in the "boringly studious" category.
You can be a nerd about anything, and I'd actually wager most people are a nerd about at least one thing. It's not limited to the categories you arbitrarily selected to make your point (without any actual evidence presented, I might add).
If not for nerds you wouldn't be typing this paragraph due to the internet being non existent.
Citation needed for „the people who invented the internet were 100% nerds“
Citation needed for your entire previous comment lmao. Most nerds are actually really nice people and lean left politically.
Here's the reason you're here
RIP Aaron
King & nerd
Should be here leading the fediverse today (or something better)
Al Gore was pretty nerdy, at least as depicted in the South Park documentaries.
It really does feel mainstream to come up with tech specs for a new comms technology, not the sort of thing that nerds* might do /s
Tim Burners-Lee** worked in particle accelerators. Total jock****.
* People excessively interested in tech
** Inventor of HTML - the web
**** I'm old. The world is divided into nerds and jocks per Revenge of the Nerds (1984)
TIL the only non-Mainstream people are nerds