It's... Uh... About girls in short school uniforms in tanks...and the girls are all very... Uh pretty in a, let's say, stimulating way, but it's not a problem because in reality they aren't underage girls but five thousand year old dragons. They usually fight for way over two seasons per fight and yell everything they are doing loudly.
Come on, you have to know that manga!
It's... Uh... About girls in short school uniforms in tanks...and the girls are all very... Uh pretty in a, let's say, stimulating way, but it's not a problem because in reality they aren't underage girls but five thousand year old dragons. They usually fight for way over two seasons per fight and yell everything they are doing loudly.
Come on, you have to know that manga!
Girls und Panzer is an entirely wholesome experience and I won't let anyone disagree!
(there are no dragons though)
But there are needlessly sexualized underage people, yes? If not, why did the description make you think of that?
Because it's just... girls in tanks man, it's hard to forget. Insanely cute, and pretty funny at times.
Oh ok I thought that was an manga about young women who are actually anthropomorphic tanks... My bad.