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Pixel Dungeon
This community is a place to talk strategies, tell stories, or discuss anything related to Pixel Dungeon or its many versions.
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Thanks for the kind words! I don't deserve all the credit here though, a bunch of the little details you mention were in the game back when it was Pixel Dungeon, being made by Watabou.
What's whatabou? Still love the game regardless and it's great we have cool devs
The name of the original dev of the PD that shattered is forked from
Was the original PD open source and now people are riffing on it? I never played the original - what is the difference between them?
Watabou still makes a lot of procgen stuff
Yes, it’s open source and there are a couple of forks, but also forks of ShPD etc.
ShPD is nearly ten years old, so quite a few things changed over time. Boss fights are different, alchemy got extended a lot and other things changed, extended or added. After ShPD was forked, the original Pixel Dungeon introduced a duration system where upgraded weapons and armor degrade and become +0 again at some point if not repaired.
A speedrun of the original:
That's really cool. I can't believe it's been around so long and I'm just finding it.
Wicked stuff all around
I mostly know ShPD because it is/was the only PD fork on F-Droid. Originially I played PD a few times, but I had a hard time, and then tried ShPD, where it was easier for me to progress … I still died quickly, but it was fun.