It must be a Goodboy on his way to an MLP convention! I'm sure his healthy athletic frame is too much for conventional seats... He's sure to have a cache of honey mustard stored under one of his folds, just use that to lube him up and he'll slide right into that seat!
I hope they have plenty of Cheetos and Mountain Dew on that train, if his sugars get too low he might faint!
Ignore it. It’ll either go away or stay and become so enmeshed in British culture that it’s accent will change to hide its origins, and it will truly grow to loath itself, and everything else, like the rest of us.
I tried Irnbru again the other day. It was either a shitty export version with no flavour, or Barrs has totally fucked up the recipe with ‘improvements’.
It must be a Goodboy on his way to an MLP convention! I'm sure his healthy athletic frame is too much for conventional seats... He's sure to have a cache of honey mustard stored under one of his folds, just use that to lube him up and he'll slide right into that seat!
I hope they have plenty of Cheetos and Mountain Dew on that train, if his sugars get too low he might faint!
Please write your fanfiction on a site dedicated to it, especially one I don't use.
Wotsits and Vimto you fackin nonce
Hate to tell you but I don’t think they have Cheetos or Mountain Dew in the UK.
Seems we have a Yank detected. What's the procedure?
Ignore it. It’ll either go away or stay and become so enmeshed in British culture that it’s accent will change to hide its origins, and it will truly grow to loath itself, and everything else, like the rest of us.
Source: me, Yank turned Scottish
Oh sorry, how about Prawn Crisps and Irn Bru then?
Prawn crisps? Christ, you’re just flailing about.
Who the fuck eats prawn crisps?!??
People who are too fat to ride the train?
Prawn Cocktail Crisps. Big lad Stephen Nolan's favourite. Lovely.
Pretty sure they have Cheetos at Tesco, right? Definitely not common though
Do they? Been oot abroad for a while. I wouldnae ken.
We have Cheetos in Heron Foods, not mountain Dew though. Although, I do remember buying some a good few years back...
We have both... But having experienced migraines from american mountain dew, our idea of it is hampered by pesky things like banned additives.
On the upside I now don't drink the UK edition as it tastes watered down in comparison! :)
Can't vouch for cheetos as it's been a while, but they exist here at least :)
I tried Irnbru again the other day. It was either a shitty export version with no flavour, or Barrs has totally fucked up the recipe with ‘improvements’.
The latter. No girders.