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[-] Cowbee@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 months ago

The right, in general, is not nearly as popular as it was when I was a kid. The current movement was started because they were losing ground in a way that was not recoverable. The minority has been orchestrating a take over for decades because they realize that their long term prospects are dire. This is an animal backed into a corner, fighting for it's life, and it is already seeing a massive, and growing backlash. The GOP is literally going bankrupt. This is despite stacking the courts, and other footholds they spent decades creating.

Generally correct, with some caveats - this is not going away until Capitalism goes away. Fascism is a response to declining Capitalism, the root cause is Capitalist decay.

Changing the style of voting in my state from FTPT. It has already taken a couple states, and is growing in popularity across the country.
Reduction of drug draconian drug laws. Weed is very much on it's way to a federal legalization. More, and more, places have been working with decriminalization of hard drugs. I used to work in data analysis in the "corrections" system and it is definitely moving away from simply punishing non-violent criminals. Most municipalities now move people committing crimes for addiction into rehab, have been increasing the number of ways they will keep charges off your record for long term compliance with rehab, and sober living. There is also a growing movement towards these things outside of just addiction. The momentum is towards rehabilitation for most non-violent crimes. Healthcare reform. This one is more of a sleeper to those not working within organizations working towards it. When I became and adult there was literally no way for me to get any form of health coverage, at all, full stop. Now I can not only get coverage, it doesn't require things like a 25k deductible. Pricing cap legislation is being pushed, other price regulation for drugs is being pushed, and, despite it being one of the top three most heavily lobbied industries. The amount of the general public, and medical professionals, who support socialized healthcare has been growing.

These are generally good policies, yes, but how are you trying to get this change?

As for the things I don't donate time time to work on, personally. The position minority communities are in is better than when I was a kid, even with recent regressive gains in some places, taken into consideration. These regressive movements are already under strong fire, and, even in deep red states, are not going to last. Even the courts they stacked are backing off on their support of the movement, because it is proving to be unpopular to the point they are being forced to choose the viability of their career, in the long term, over current clout that will likely not manifest the gains promised. This is combined with the USSC, and some other fed judges, having issues come to light that are sidetracking most of what they do, in order to just claw onto their position. Labor organization is the most popular it has been since the 40s. Labor organization has been making the biggest gains, both in terms of unionization of workers, and in the legal theater, since my father was born. The most popular candidate of the right is an absolute shit-show, and other than his minority-in-a-minority, cult of personality, is driving people away, and stressing the foundations of the party. Meanwhile the DNC is slowly deciding to pull it's head, at least somewhat, out of it's ass, and has dumped joe for the most progressive primary candidate we have had in a long time. She is also the first to hold that position, for a number of categories. Is she a leftist? No, not even close, I didn't even expect that as a possibility, however she is a step further left than what we have seen get the position of primary candidate. We actually, finally, have serious work towards judicial reform. Government immunity is also finally in the crosshairs of the majority of democrats.

This generally isn't a result of the DNC, but organizing. Kamala being a warmongering neoliberal right-winger doesn't make her progressive, just less right-wing.

I could go on. Compared to 40 years ago, a LOT of progressive legislation has happened, and the ones that saw the biggest attacks from the neo-liberals are, again, seeing massive resurgences in popularity. Even when you look at the youth that has decided to support right wing parties, when you ask them what they think think is needed to better their position in life, it is largely progressive desires, even though they don't seem to understand that. Every time I read surveys of that population, the vast majority of their issues are loss of workers rights, too much corporate control, not enough regulation against dangerous business practices, need for legal mandates to make more housing, and to keep artificial inflation down, unaffordable healthcare, the weakening of public education, especially in terms of the costs of university, wealth disparity, etc.

Why is it that these issues are getting worse, and as such, both Leftists and the far-right have been gaining traction? Capitalist decline from ongoing Liberalism. The far-right is largely made up of the Bourgeoisie and Petite Bourgeoisie collaborating, while the left are generally Proletarians.

All of this is better than living under a dictatorship, you know, like a "democracy" that has one candidate, that gets appointed for life, and controls a police state, the likes of which Stalin couldn't have imagined.

Do you think this possible dictatorship cares who wins at the ballot box?

[-] Jiggle_Physics@lemmy.world 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

On the last point, since you are advocating for it, you tell me.

All of your other statements are either something I didn't say, or not something that was asked for.

I am not going to get into things in great detail, because I simply don't feel it is worth my time, but -

FPTP - Corrections - Healthcare - A number of things, but I work with a couple local organizations that present to politicians, of various levels, and industry groups, and I make presentations of data to explain why what is currently happening is bad, and why what is being asked for is better. On top of this explain why there is not perfect answer, and explain, with data, how yelling "people will abuse the system" is stupid, because, if that is your problem, we just need to kill humanity, cause that is everything. When I am in a better physical spot I help canvas, and other things that require a lot of standing, and walking. We have changed a number of legislative votes cast by representative, directly, in our favor.

Yes, I realize this is because of capitalism. However 1/3 of the population want an authoritarian, violent, enforcement of capitalism, fascism, and the others are varying degrees between "capitalism is the only option" and "a quick destructuring, with a violent, authoritarian, dictatorial enforcement is the way". Authoritarianism never ends up being something good, ever. The only way to go about this, without triggering violent backlash, and/or supplicating to an authoritarian over class, is through steady, tested, and hard fought change.

What we are doing, where I am, is not sustainable, and can become an authoritarian state to try and hold the seems together, and needs to change. What China is doing is unsustainable and is already in that authoritarian state, and needs to change.

Communism is a classless state. A classless state and authoritarianism are mutually exclusive.

[-] Cowbee@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 months ago

On the last point, since you are advocating for it, you tell me.

All of your other statements are either something I didn't say, or not something that was asked for.

You're not really for anything, it looks like. You have goals, but no method to reach said goals.

FPTP - Corrections - Healthcare - A number of things, but I work with a couple local organizations that present to politicians, of various levels, and industry groups, and I make presentations of data to explain why what is currently happening is bad, and why what is being asked for is better. On top of this explain why there is not perfect answer, and explain, with data, how yelling "people will abuse the system" is stupid, because, if that is your problem, we just need to kill humanity, cause that is everything. When I am in a better physical spot I help canvas, and other things that require a lot of standing, and walking. We have changed a number of legislative votes cast by representative, directly, in our favor.

This is good effort, especially at the local level, where meaningful change can be orchestrated. However, my point is that at a systemic level these changes will not occur simply by convincing or arguing.

Yes, I realize this is because of capitalism. However 1/3 of the population want an authoritarian, violent, enforcement of capitalism, fascism, and the others are varying degrees between "capitalism is the only option" and "a quick destructuring, with a violent, authoritarian, dictatorial enforcement is the way". Authoritarianism never ends up being something good, ever. The only way to go about this, without triggering violent backlash, and/or supplicating to an authoritarian over class, is through steady, tested, and hard fought change.

This is horseshoe theory, vibes-based nonsense, and a stark departure from the level-headedness of your previous paragraph.

Communism is a classless state. A classless state and authoritarianism are mutually exclusive.

Who is arguing for "authoritarianism?" What is Authoritarianism, what is a class? You are working off of flawed understandings of the arguments and positions of Communists.

[-] Jiggle_Physics@lemmy.world 1 points 2 months ago

You know what these things are. You were arguing for authoritarianism when you said you were in support of China, for being a, so-called, socialist state working within their means. Being in direct support of authoritarian states is an argument for their practice.

Yes, everyone on the left, who disagrees with another leftist, simply misunderstands theory, and needs to go back to their Marx. The far left and the far right want very different things, but if you want to achieve these goals through force, and sustain it by the exertion of authority, you are just a tyrant. Tyrants can be very different, but none are good. While the far left can include things that aren't authoritarian, the far right, ultimately, can not. Even right wing versions of anarchy are, very obviously, just a vacuum of power for corporations to take.

If you don't understand how getting people, especially politicians, to change their vote, and introduce new legislation, evokes systemic change, I don't know what to tell you. Do you think these few examples are all I think needs to be done, ever, to achieve my goals? I figured people are capable of understanding that what they were reading was a short internet comment, and that what was presented was merely a couple examples for the point of illustration. Not a granular text on everything that I am doing, have done, or feel needs to be done, to accomplish long term goals of societal change. If that's what you want, I am not the person for you. This is lemmy, I am typing this on the bus, or while taking shit, etc. I am not presenting my thesis to an academic council, I am not submitting these comments for peer review.

So, tell me, what are your plans? What is your proposed methodology?

[-] Cowbee@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 months ago

You know what these things are. You were arguing for authoritarianism when you said you were in support of China, for being a, so-called, socialist state working within their means. Being in direct support of authoritarian states is an argument for their practice.

I'd like to see a link to the comment where I said that, specifically. I think you're mixing me up with someone else, here. I personally believe China is a mixed bag, a lot of good and a lot of bad, but it does appear to be on a positive trajectory. Does that mean I support every aspect of China? No. Do you support the genocide supported by the US? I don't believe so either.

So no, I legtimately have no idea what you personally mean.

Yes, everyone on the left, who disagrees with another leftist, simply misunderstands theory, and needs to go back to their Marx. The far left and the far right want very different things, but if you want to achieve these goals through force, and sustain it by the exertion of authority, you are just a tyrant. Tyrants can be very different, but none are good. While the far left can include things that aren't authoritarian, the far right, ultimately, can not. Even right wing versions of anarchy are, very obviously, just a vacuum of power for corporations to take.

Are all revolutions "tyranny?" Do you believe the Haitian Slave Revolt to have been unjust? The fact of the matter is that political power stems from force. The Status Quo itself is violent, and depends on Imperialism. Using force against it is not antidemocratic.

If you don't understand how getting people, especially politicians, to change their vote, and introduce new legislation, evokes systemic change, I don't know what to tell you. Do you think these few examples are all I think needs to be done, ever, to achieve my goals? I figured people are capable of understanding that what they were reading was a short internet comment, and that what was presented was merely a couple examples for the point of illustration. Not a granular text on everything that I am doing, have done, or feel needs to be done, to accomplish long term goals of societal change. If that's what you want, I am not the person for you. This is lemmy, I am typing this on the bus, or while taking shit, etc. I am not presenting my thesis to an academic council, I am not submitting these comments for peer review.

You're arguing for everyone to ask nicely and lobby local officials. This does get positive change locally, but not in total. It's important to recognize that at a systemic level, you are working against the prison industrial complex, pharmaceutical industry, and powerful Capitalists, and expecting politicians to bend to your will over theirs at a systemic level is Utopianism. It's the same problem the Owenites faced.

So, tell me, what are your plans? What is your proposed methodology?

Organizing and building up Dual Power. Parallel structures that upset the power balance of the general system, not work within it where the playing field is stacked against you.

[-] Jiggle_Physics@lemmy.world 2 points 2 months ago

No, not every revolution is bad. Violence is not always bad. Things are, however, moving in the direction I want. I don't expect to have a laterally managed society within my life time, and I don't believe that murdering people, because I assert I am right, is good. Every time this is brought up the slave revolts of Haiti, the French revolution, etc. are the immediate response. Please, tell me that you believe the conditions I am in are validly comparable to those. Fact is, I am armed, I have a good understanding of my arms, and I have practice with them. I also would never claim to be able to deal with a civil war scenario, I won't know how I will do with that until it happens. Also, the results of those revolutions is arguable with whether or not it actually made things better. In France they went into the terrors, to a marshal empire, then the changes that had been working in the background, since before the revolution, are what lead to the freedom from Monarchy. Things like the massive change in economic politics, infrastructure technology, etc. are what really allowed them to cut the autocracy off. With Haiti, while I am sure gains in ethnic autonomy are nice, it's not exactly been the greatest thing either. And yes, I am aware of foreign interference, especially the US, etc. and how that all plays into it. Do I think it was worth it? With this one, yes, my personal opinion is yes. Then again, I value that type of autonomy over most things. There are many that disagree to some degree, or another.

On your point with China, fair enough. I read into it as you thinking I was a supporter of the capitalist system, just some liberal, I guess. Taking that I was mirroring the concept that if I preferred the system I was in, thus I was supporting it, then your endorsement of China was a sentiment of support for that system. I still don't agree with you, but that's whatever.

I am not arguing for everyone to ask nicely for compliance. I am saying that things are slowly going towards the things I want by means of political activism, and putting your money were your mouth is. If this comes to a impasse, that will be the time for violence. If the regressives do take the government, violence. However I am not a Haitian slave. I am acutely aware of how these industries work. I have nearly a decade of professional expertise in analyzing the corrections system. I have worked with politicians, in back office situations, on these things. We moved one of the largest state, and local, corrections systems to a far more rehabilitation, record ablative, and recidivism reductionist, state of affairs. I have worked, voluntarily, to make several changes in legislation, around healthcare, in two states. I was born with some serious medical issues, ones that cause nebulous issues, but the kind where idiots still like think "oh it can't be that bad!" bullshit. So I have a personal stake in this, and I have used my experience with analysis, and presenting it to government reps, and moving them to my side. I am no expert, really, though I guess the stuff I was specifically doing for the DOC is expertise... The largest blockade to this change has not been the politicians, or the corporations, or the judges, DAs, or police unions. It is the general population. There is a significant amount of the population that gets a vicarious sexual-like response to seeing "others" "get what is coming to them". This constituency is more likely to vote than the general population, so they get placated, otherwise it is more difficult to get re-elected. This sentiment has lost a lot of ground once the drug epidemic hit the middle to upper class, white, population. A lot changed when it came to the incarceration of white kids, from well to do families. Reasoning sucks, just more racism/classism, but the results are genuinely making things better.

So, what are your plans to create this parallel system you will disrupt society with? What are you currently doing to create this?

[-] Cowbee@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 months ago

My point is that these incremental local changes cannot scale to a national level, and as Capitalism decays, fascism rises unless Leftists organize.

So, what are your plans to create this parallel system you will disrupt society with? What are you currently doing to create this?

Join an org and help build up an alternative. I am shopping around for good, non-problematic local branches of national orgs, which is difficult, plus I do not want to risk my job finding out I am a member of a Communist group, so privacy and security is an extreme concern of mine, or else I lose my income. The going is slow personally in this direction.

this post was submitted on 28 Jul 2024
325 points (86.8% liked)


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