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Pixel Dungeon
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Awesome stuff! I remember when development stopped on Pixel Dungeon all those years ago, and Shattered stayed on my phone after trying out the myriad of variants (Sprouted anyone?).
If you'd indulge me, I'd be very interested to hear your thoughts on a few things:
Equipment degradation - This being one of the last features that watabou implemented before halting the project always seemed kind of extreme to me. What do you think about the mechanics of it, and do you think it could have been improved upon, if development had not ended? Have you tested with it much in development for Shattered?
The other projects from watabou have been pretty cool to see. His proc-generative skills have really shone with the TTRPG tools, and I have actually used them in my own campaign, to some extent. Just wondering if you have checked them out.
Any aspirations of starting something new, or is it SPD from here on?
Thanks for sharing your gift to the world! It's helped me pass countless hours enjoyably.
Thanks for the kind words! I'll answer your questions in order:
Thanks for taking the time to answer! I will admit that I often wait way too long to use my SoU's. Nice balancing act you did there to punish those of us who cling too hard to the old ways.
It's also really cool to see you using Lemmy!
Anyway, wishing all the continued success to you.