America West coast time zone
Builder/really slow-paced explorer
Goals are to collect the means to produce every wood type (including both nether ones and the recently-added bamboo one), and build a few resource farms
Oof West Coast. Can you give a rough estimate of when you can generally play (Evening/late night)?
Also, I forgot to write in the original post. What is your age range? (Late teen/Early 20s/Late 20s).
Late afternoons my time; I’m almost 20
Okay, seems fine. If you can play slightly earlier, then you and I can play but not sure of others. I am UTC+5:30 and others are UTC+7:00. I'll let you know after a few hours by sending a DM.
Check your DMs. I've sent you the invite.
- America, west coast
- early 20s
- chilling and having fun
- I want to make huge tunnels
Hey, most of the players right now are of a different timezone (GMT+6 and above). Would you be comfortable playing alone for a few days? I'm trying to get more players meanwhile
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