Mental Health
This is a safe place to discuss, vent, support, and share information about mental health, illness, and wellness.
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- No promoting paid services/products.
- Be kind and civil. No bigotry/prejudice either.
- No victim blaming. Nor giving incredibly simplistic solutions (i.e. You have ADHD? Just focus easier.)
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- Suicide note posts will be removed, and you will be reached out to in private.
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I've been there and it's rough. The worst thing you can do is stay in bed and give in to the cycle of negativity, which will only make things worse. Try to get outside and spend time with friends and family as much as possible, even when you don't feel like it. Exercise can seem like the last thing you want to do, but it does help boost your endorphins and feel more positive.
I also had good results with using techniques Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, which helps to assess negative thoughts and control them to a certain degree.
And if you need something stronger, speak to a medical professional. There are medications that can help.
Stay strong and don't give up.
Rigorous exercise might help. Just being able to vent some of those bottled-up frustrations while pumping your body will help process them a little bit. It'll also physically tire you to potentially make sleeping a little bit easier.
That sucks. Personally, exercise is essential for me. Also, I would consider an ebike. I've been doing it for about a year, 30mi round trip for work. Even through most of a Michigan winter. Really trying to never have to deal with a car again. Recently got a mototcycle for those real long trips. Best of luck
well, maybe then do non-IT for a while
This week I want you to pick a fight with 3 people. Take a shitty job while you are waiting for your big break superstar and get a delta 9 disposable.