How else are they going to foment a race war out of thin air?
It’s probably the mandate from Davos.
How else are they going to foment a race war out of thin air?
It’s probably the mandate from Davos.
Although there is also the 3 Spidey finger-pointing meme and you could have Farage as the third and/or Tommy Robinson.
Rwanda really switched gear from being a perfectly safe place to deport refugees to being an entire nation of knife-wielding psychopaths coming to destroy our way-of-life this year.
The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Rwanda was the source of knife-wielding psychopaths. Rwanda had always been the source of knife-wielding psychopaths.
It's a sufficiently distant land that it is a blank canvas and can serve whatever purpose the latest Two Minutes Hate requires.
No foul language - i.e. French 🤮
Obviously satire, dozy wankers