Wands aren't in the "loot table" of the RoW, therefore they don't benefit from the RoW being upgraded. Anything else does, tho. Except throwables, those aren't there either. Just weapons, armor and rings benefit from your RoW being upgraded, and you get higher chances for rare drops (those being blue and purple drops and, at some point, purple only) Artifacts can be dropped too with the RoW, but they'll be at +0.
I wish I got some good rings. I do think there could have been more farming if I played it optimally but it was tricky managing my hunger and staying at floor 12/17.
Farm at the city, monks can drop food. Big food.
That was the best part for sure, think my end game loot came from there. First time hitting 60+ with a great axe on a mage lol.
It sucks that the RoW got transmuted into a RoT. Happens to me sometimes, too. I transmute a ring and it becomes tenacity.... Feel like just restarting the run.
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