This dialogue actually works perfectly if you read all characters in the same exaggerated male 1950's continental accent.
Like wow. You've got a groovy way of making sense.
Her dialog here is written exactly how spider-man's fight dialog in that era is. She excuses herself from an interaction with an overly-specific and obviously-phony excuse. Next she makes a silly crack about the giant hole in the wall to avoid having to make a serious angsty response to how bad the situation is. Then she makes an obviously backhanded remark using a colorful metaphor within direct earshot in an attempt to provoke her opponent.
That said, I'm not entirely sure whether this is due to of MJ trying to be like Spider-Man, Spider-Man trying to be like MJ, or lack of range on the part of the writers.
Yeah. It's interesting how Spidey banter-like her speech is.
That said, I'm not entirely sure whether this is due to of MJ trying to be like Spider-Man, Spider-Man trying to be like MJ, or lack of range on the part of the writers.
I recall that Spider-Man's banter does pre-date MJ's introduction, if not by much.
I think that. After a bunch of failed Spider-Man girlfriends, they wanted someone who more clearly fits with Spider-Man's life, and wanted her to make a strong impact for fans - so she's a bit over-written.
Good observation! Maybe this is the writers showing us how ridiculous it is to speak like that if you aren't dressed in a spider costume
Omg you're right. This changes everything with reading old comics lol
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