As if these poor kids hadn't endured enough, several were placed with these fucking foster parents who also abused them, including lewd acts on a child, false imprisonment, and child cruelty.
Gotta love the human condition
Yep. I'd kill the foster parent. No lie. If they were brought to me and put on the ground in front of me, I'd kill them without a second thought. They are a net loss for humanity, and every breathe they take, every dollar spent on their "rehabilitation" is a waste. Fuck them, they should not be alive.
The reason why elites and pedos are behaving so brazen is because mob justice is supressed by the state.
They have no fear since even if they are exposed, the legal process protects them.
Look the Catholic church...
This picture looks like both the mom and dad became one person.
People used to say Ozzy Osborne was Captain Kangaroo's son. They were wrong, it's this guy.
~~Dick Turpin?~~
Dick Turpin?
RIP that brave car.
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