my one an only missing app when switching to linux, i miss native notepad++. i hear i can get it running in wine or whatnot
I felt the same for a long time. However, I really like Geany as a replacement. It's really close to Notepad++ in terms of the experience.
How does it handle things like 2GB+ files? TBH that's largely what I use NP++ for on Windows is previewing data in large import files.
No clue, I don't use it for that. You'll have to experiment.
ll give that a try, thanks!
I love Kate looks nice
I came here to state the same thing. Like others said, there is a wine packaged version. But the experience isn't just the same.
Maybe try out NotepadNext it claims to be reimplemented notepad++
Look for notepadqq in your favorit package manager.
Its simply the best (dümmm dümm düm düm)
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