Instead of investing in crypto just give me the money.
At least I’ll be honest and tell you that you will never get it back again.
Instead of investing in crypto just give me the money.
At least I’ll be honest and tell you that you will never get it back again.
No, give them to me, I will give you one FukUBux for every dollar.
Immediately after, the exchange rate will become 1,000,000:1 FukUBux per dollar.
crypto has been pretty good to me. shrug
It was good to Sam Bankman-Fried and all his investors too.
If it has been so good for you why are you spamming sketchy links on Lemmy instead of hanging out on a beach somewhere?
I didn't say I was rich.
Am I not posting in a GME lemmy?
So it was good to you but you're not rich?
How was it good to you then?
You don't deserve the hate in the comments. The web pages that you link to aren't sketchy. GameStop is experimenting with NFTs. Overstock offered a digital dividend to mitigate short selling. Crypto could provide the foundation for a fairer financial system.
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