Diamanda Hagan could not be reached for comment.
I'm legit amazed the old skinemax staple got a remake
Edit: looks like they're not drinking remaking the movie as much as they are trying to make the book into a movie again.
Fwiw, the first Emmanuelle movie was a good movie, if not a great book adaptation. The sequels were just soft core porn with no rewatch value as movies. The sequels weren't even good soft core tbh. Mid tier for the era, and got worse the more they made.
Will there be an X rated version?
Trailers for movies, television and games
This is a community for posting and sharing trailers and teasers for upcoming film, television and video game premieres. The goal is to provide subscribers a curated feed of trailers for UPCOMING media. General-purpose posts about movies, television and games are better suited for other communities around the Lemmyverse. This place is just for trailers.
- All posts must be trailers or teasers; not full movies, not trailers for trailers, and not clips of popular scenes. Meta posts from mod staff are OK, but should be kept to a minimum.
- No fan-made trailers or remixes.
- Trailers for upcoming content only. Do not spam the community with trailers for media that has already been released.
- Link to official channels for trailers whenever possible (ie: the YouTube accounts of each film's studio or distribution company); avoid linking to videos from media outlets that function as aggregators / re-posters if you can.
- Post titles should follow formatting guidelines: "Media Name (release year, relevant creator credit)". Creator credits should be directors for films and games, showrunners for television series. Other details such as starring actors, writers, production studios, etc can be added to the post description.
- Don't be a jerk.