Not an airport
Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya
Bro just switch instances
Okay, so what I'm hearing is: "Mimimi people disagreed with me waaaaaah." Is that an accurate summary of what you're trying to say?
uses a federated platform where anyone with an instance can do whatever
disagrees with admin of some community on some instance
blames the platform
See you in a month!
What happened you used to make such good posts
Funny: Home of the Haha
Welcome to /c/funny, a place for all your humorous and amusing content.
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Our Rules:
Keep it civil. We're all people here. Be respectful to one another.
No sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia or any other flavor of bigotry. I should not need to explain this one.
Try not to repost anything posted within the past month. Beyond that, go for it. Not everyone is on every site all the time.
Other Communities:
/c/ - Star Trek chat, memes and shitposts
/c/ - General memes