I'm impressed with the hole. I couldn't do that to save my life.
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Sure you can. Just buy a glass cutter.
I have 5. None will make a neat(ish) circle like that. At least I can't do it.
Just a drill bit
I have a diamond set, 20mm and down. That's still a hella tricky thing to pop out without breaking.
That can be made code easily enough with a box extension and moving the plate to the mirror. I'm impressed they cut the mirror without cracking it.
honestly just needs a rubber grommet in order to make it look like the hole was intended design.
Except you can't access the outlet when it needs replaced
Eh, good luck finding the right size box extension. I'd use a spark guard and caterpillars to bring it flush.
Oh, you all tolerate this as a feature in your smart phones but not your apartment. /S
I guess it would be called an alternating island rather than dynamic island?
At least they did not plug an extension cord into it and relocate the receptacle that way, or better yet run copper plugged into that outlet to the replacement.
That's the spirit! Behind every cloud is a copper lining.
Daisy chaining outlets is totally a thing, though. If no wires are exposed, there's nothing inherently dangerous about running copper from one to another.
Running copper from the plug? I get from the poles on the back of the outlet… but plugging in copper and then running that to another outlet?
I think they didn’t read your comment the way you intended. You were trying to describe someone wiring Romex into the plug face and they missed that.
No, I knew what they were saying.
Are your friends and family shocked with your skills as an electrician? ;-P
I'm actually college educated on electronic circuits and do electrical engineering as a hobby.
As long as the wires can't short, using the front receptical is functionally no different than using the back.
It's all one piece of metal, and it's not going to be somewhere that it'll be disturbed.
It may not be the best way, but done right it's not dangerous.
It's ultimately the same thing. As long as there aren't any exposed wires, it's safe.
I'm waiting for the followup photo of a roach/ water bug entombed in beige paint just above the baseboards
You know me landlord it seems lol
Pretty useful. Maybe put an inner facade around it to prevent cuts and it’s perfect. Probably possible with a 3D printer
It belongs in a museum.
Is that a Nebco supernaut?
I would have straight-cut the mirror above the outlet lol. A shorter mirror would be better than this visit to wackyland.
Oh boi that looks extra nub cutty.
I just did a remodel with an apt FULL of mirrors. All of these were extended with custom mirrored plates. Somebody here just didnt know what to do next.
Just in case you wanna take a selfie for instagram, but is on 1% battery. What a thoughtful landlord, always thinking about the needs of his/her influencer tenants. 😅