i'm in love with a lesbian girl
WLW Memes
Memes by, for, or about Women who Love Women.
This is an inclusive space, all WLW are welcome, including but not limited to trans, bi, ace, intersex, nb, and lesbian women.
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That is a great Songtitel but a shitty situation. Hope you get trough it without hurting to much.
Guess what... I'm in live with TWO girls who are in the SAME RELATIONSHIP! Its actually awful, I was like - OK, when the one gets cozght, I'll snatch the other - but then... Yeah no 😞
Player 3 has joined the game
haha yeah, that'd be super cool, but I think all of us want a two-person relationship.
But have you considered: Smorty=cute girlie? :3
what is the name of the comic
The artist is called "GRS-". Unfortunately, I don't think there's an official webpage or such.
Incompatible orientation is some form of cosmic cruelty
Is that a goth thing, to take the suffering raw?
I think that’s what “straight-edge” was.
Ah, thanks. I had that term in my head somehow, but searching for "clean-edge" only gave me some company's webpage and a help post for a certain Microsoft browser. 🫠