Is this a public site? Does the data load when you prepend /api
to the topic url?
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Are you running a single nodebb process or multiple?
Sounds like something is interfering with the cold load of the topic(aka when you press f5). You will have to do some debugging and see what is happening in the topic controller. This is the function that handles loading a topic so put some console.logs in there all the way to res.render() and see if they are all triggered. If they are all triggered then you need to check in src/middleware/render.js the res.render
function is there and it's responsible for rendering the html and sending it back to the browser.
Single at the moment but with plans to go multiple if traffic warrants it. I'll do some debugging as suggested and report back.
it's not public yet no.
The Post Exists but Isn't Loading in the UI. To test, I refresh the post in my browser and it goes 410. When I add api into the url, I see the post but it's all code. A refresh does not get the 410.
I ended up rebuilding as there seem to be too many goofy things going on. Now it seems fine so have no idea what went wrong. It is acting normal now.
One odd thing is that I'm using postgres with my install and it seems to be legacy based. I've been using mysql for many years and the default mongo db with nodebb so it's the first time I'm using postgres.