
joined 3 years ago
[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago

Yes, I'm aware of that but wondered if people offer pre-made child themes. I ask because that's something available on WP for example.

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Yes though I'd like my own ads to be randomized, not fixed, like regular ads would look. I'll take a look at the plugin you mention however so thanks for that.


Is there such a thing as a child theme repo? For example, say I want to use Harmony but I want to customize it but someone else already has a lot of what I want done so I could use that.

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago

Can it display other ads that aren't adsense? Like if I have my own series of ads I'd like to show on the board.

Ads and popups (

Can anyone recommend a well supported plugin that allows inserting ads between posts and/or perhaps other parts of the site. Something that can be controlled so it's not overwhelming. it would have to allow both Google ads (and others?) along with custom ads such as my own ads being placed here and there.

Also, does anyone know of a way to have a banner or notice pop up for all new or all guests visiting?

[–] 1 points 4 weeks ago

How could I have missed that. Thank you for pointing that out. Solved.

Header code not showing up (

I was doing some testing of meta data and found something odd. I have matomo code in the custom header but it's not showing up in the source after saving/rebuilding etc. What is really odd is that I have matomo code in another nodebb that we have and its working fine. Both are the exact same version using the non customized Harmony theme.

Not really sure what information to share to get help for this one.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Oh that's right, it's a post ID, not the category name for example. Thanks for pointing that out. Solved :).

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I've not checked that yet, not sure how but you're saying that even when a post is moved to another category, it will still be found using the old url?


When I move posts on nodebb and the url changes, is there a way to give visitors a 301 rather than a 404? In my opinion, this should be done automatically otherwise you get dinged by search engines but I don't see that.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

One question. Are the dashboard logs derived from the web server logs or directly from the nodebb code? I assume directly.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Well, I wasn't posting looking for technical information but now you have me curious :).

Looking at the logs, they strongly suggest automated bot activity. Hits from Googlebot and other search crawlers WordPress vulnerability scanners Automated scanning tools like ZGrab

Are these triggering login attempts either by mistake or as part of their crawling process? Googlebot, for example, accesses various URLs, including login pages, and might cause login events.

Many of the requests are targeting /wp-admin/setup-config.php, /wordpress/wp-admin/setup-config.php, /xmlrpc.php, /wlwmanifest.xml, and similar WordPress-related URLs.

Since it's not a WP site, are these requests resulting in redirects or 301 responses, but getting counted in access logs that result in the dashboard stats?

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Yes but aren't those usually script kiddies? The number of unique visitors is only 202 while the login attempts are nearly 15K for yesterday alone.


No problems with nodebb, just an observation of so many people wasting their lives trying to hack others. Some having the potential to be highly skilled and well paid folks but instead spend their time trying to hurt others.

I put a site online just to test a few things. It's not advertised or mentioned anywhere yet but look at the stats. Lots of hits from bots, most presumably looking for Wordpress sites. I just thought it was interesting and wanted to share.


[–] 1 points 1 month ago

I ended up rebuilding as there seem to be too many goofy things going on. Now it seems fine so have no idea what went wrong. It is acting normal now.

One odd thing is that I'm using postgres with my install and it seems to be legacy based. I've been using mysql for many years and the default mongo db with nodebb so it's the first time I'm using postgres.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Jeez I feel stupid for posting this. Of course, I forgot to rebuild that time.

Thanks for your help.


I'm trying to find how I can enable Parse Markdown in API posts so I go to Extend, Plugins, Active and click on Settings for the markdown plugin.

That leads me to;

Not Found You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist.

Am I doing something wrong or is there a bug?


I'm using the nodebb API to create posts and update them. The user is fully allowed to post as the API authenticated user. There are no limitations or auto removals set in the nodebb forums settings.

I can go to the category and click on the post and see it. I can move away from the category and go again and I see the post. The only time it goes 410 is when I refresh the browser while viewing the post.

I'm told it could be the nodebb cache causing this but if that is the case, how can I prevent this from happening as I certainly don't want to disable cache. Posts should never show 410 gone when they are in fact still there so what's going on?


What would be involved in changing the domain name of the forums? I've had to do this many times in the past and most times, it's been an absolute nightmare.

Nodebb seems so well designed that I'm hoping it's a relatively simple task.

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