If Russia scares you so much then maybe you shouldn't have all but declared war on Russia? Maybe you shouldn't have given billions of euros and heavy weaponry to Nazis for the sole purpose of killing Russians? Maybe instead of antagonizing and attacking Russia you should have tried getting along with them? Crazy concept, i know.
World News
But you see, Biden was supposed to win so that Germany could continue to hide behind America's skirts.
Europeans when they do everything in their power to make Russia increase their war efforts.
How could Mr Putin do this 😫
Germany needs to be broken apart into little principalities. A unified Germany is something the world, especially Palestinians, are still paying for.
Downloaded for future use. TY.
Why are they so surprised that Russia is building its military when it is actively at war. How is that concerning? That’s what happens.
Also, all this fear mongering around Russia pushing past Ukraine into the rest of Europe is hilarious because I highly doubt that will ever happen. Once the war is over and Russia doesn't do that, what will European leaders do? How will they justify everything they’ve done? People are so scared, and when they realize their fears were unfounded, what then?
Russia pushing past Ukraine is pure nonsense. It's almost certain that Russia will not even want to hold all of Ukraine. However, the economic destruction of Europe over the past three years absolutely opens up the way for Russia to exert power over European politics now. People across Europe are now starting to realize what an utter debacle the war was, and that it has real consequences for them personally as they watch their standard of living collapse. This is naturally driving a backlash against the political establishment in Europe, and leading to parties that want to normalize relations with Russia becoming increasingly popular. So in a way this is becoming a self fulfilling prophecy, except Russia might be able to gain political capture of Europe without having to actually invade Europe.
People across Europe are now starting to realize what an utter debacle the war was
I'd argue terminally online libs aren't really a good representation of public opinion as a whole though. A better metric is the political crises that are unfolding all across Europe right now.
True. Else Harris would have probably won given how much joy there was before the elections.
Once the war is over and Russia doesn't do that, what will European leaders do? How will they justify everything they’ve done?
Quite easily actually: "The only reason why Russia hasn't invaded us is because we showed them in Ukraine not to mess with us." Or any of a thousand other variations of that sort of cope. There is always a way to spin the narrative so that a defeat looks like a victory, so that the lie can be maintained. It's all too easy because Russia cannot disprove a negative no matter what they do. "Only if we do X, Y, Z will Russia not attack us." - "See, Russia did not attack, and that is only because we did X, Y, Z; which proves that we were right all along and Russia would have attacked if we didn't do X, Y, Z." It's impossible to falsify because it's based on a hypothetical that didn't happen.
Once the war is over and Russia doesn’t do that, what will European leaders do? How will they justify everything they’ve done?
Easy. Say slashing social benefits and increasing defense spending as well as supporting Ukraine worked. That Ukraine weakened Russia enough and NATO increased their defense enough that they've successfully dissuaded them from attacking ...for now. Which is why even more money must be given to the war machine and suspicion and hatred of Russians must continue because it's only a momentary reprieve.
How many people believe this at the end when all is said and done is a big question mark but that's how they'd spin it and there are a kind of liberal who will nod along and absolutely believe this.
This is exactly what's gonna happen. That's what scares ME. This is why we (communists) need to organise and mobilize all over Europe. Funnily enough, Trump's tariffs are actually playing in our favour and will help us FINALLY distance ourselves from the US (hopefully forever)
Most of the European leaders can’t possibly believe what they’ve been saying in public. If they did they’d have declared states of emergency and diverted their manufacturing base from butter to guns.
I wouldn't be so sure. For the French and the Poles it probably is more cynical than earnest, but when i hear how the Baltics or the Germans talk, i think they might actually be so deranged that they truly believe it. And the British elites have wanted to destroy Russia for nearly two hundred years now, nothing has changed there.
Its funny they send all this NATO aid and make Ukraine into a proxy war and now theyre like shitting themselves because Russia didnt crumble under the pressure. Like wtf did you expect Russia to do? Its basically at war with the west and you didnt expect them to increase military production??
This very costly underestimination sounds oddly familiar…