Traveling to China can be dangerous for your mental conditioning
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lol exactly
my chinese teacher once told me they didn't understand why you could get killed by walking in the wrong place in the US, they're so used to being able to go anywhere anytime that it's a culture shock being told to not walk out late.
also they recently told me that they used to want to visit the US but not anymore, i havent talked about politics with them but they seem like an average chinese.
Canada also classifies Germany as yellow due to "risk of terrorism."
Edit: so China is yellow due to the "arbitrary enforcement of local laws." Maybe to do with "the two [spy] Michaels"? Obviously with no self reflection because Canadian authorities do what they want and are not held accountable.
Indeed, it's pretty hilarious in light of Canada kidnapping Meng Wanzhou and holding her under house arrest when she broke no laws in Canada. That's what actual arbitrary enforcement of law looks like.
Arbitrary enforcement of laws would be the US, sometimes the law is enforced, sometimes not. Canada did something unlawful, because the US wanted it.
I forgot about this whole angle. They arrested the Huawei exec exclusively at US' command meanwhile the two Michaels (worst tagline ever) were doing actual espionage. One of the two sued the other for involving him in his schemes unwittingly.
They have most (or all?) of Europe yellow for the "risk of terrorism" thing, IIRC.
This should be a valuable resource for Canadians, but it's hard to take any of these advisories seriously at this point.
Here is the page for china:
They literally cite the Uyghur lies. Wow.
Zenz propaganda is our official state policy now apparently
Greatest country in the world! Love living here.
Global Affairs is basically the state department for Canada, unsurprising to say the least.
Also I checked out the page for the DPRK and the main issue to “Avoid All Travel” (red) is because there is no Canadian consulate, but there is a Swedish one which I was not expecting. If you are Canadian and do travel to the DPRK you have got to go to the Swedish embassy. They also talk about surveillance and food shortages.
"Exercise a high degree of caution in China due to the risk of arbitrary enforcement of local laws."
I feel like we're being made fun of.
It could be dangerous
If you fly boeing