Pff as if they know what a ram is..
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Pff as if they know what a ram is..
Dedotate mor wam
Hey, that kid's probably grown up now. Fuck, makes me feel old.
S3 bucket as swap space.
AWS glacier is cheaper.
I think you can actually outsource RAM to Google drive or w/e if you want. Problem is you just shift the bottleneck from RAM to network speed
Or ya know you could use your hard drive like normal people do when they run out of ram.
Swap to gdrive.
Fun fact: you can mount a Google drive on your computer and put a swap file in it
The ram will be as fast as your internet, good luck with cloud ram.
But why?
But seriously, don't drink if you're pregnant. It's not that hard:
Man.. how is this funny? 😐
'tisn't the least bit funny.
I’ll explain it. The kid has fetal alcohol syndrome and will be severely disabled for life:
So alcohol makes kids smart!
I remember when virtual ram was a thing. I can't remember exactly how it worked but IIRC software designated part of your hard disk as temporary ram. Which is a convoluted way of saying it used to be possible
It is still possible. Its called swap
swap is way slower than physical RAM though
PCIe4 NVME is faster than DDR1 used to be.
Uhh kinda. I don't think latency is anywhere near 70ns on a NVMe drive, so it would still be ridiculously slow compared to ddr1 even for most tasks.
The backup ram isn't as good as a dedicated one? Color me shocked
Nowadays people like zram swap
Used to be?
Yup, it's swap on *nix and "page file" or whatever on Windows. Without it, the OS would have to kill apps or just crash when it runs out.
I'm aware. I was hoping op could expound on their statement.
i haven't explicitly used it since i had a 386, forgive me if my memory's rusty
I'm still trying to download that pizza.