Unfortunately a lot of years could be considered the "wrong" year. But any year is better than a future year.
Trans Memes
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any year is better than a future year
Not true for everybody. Sometimes people decide to put off transition for practical or safety reasons. They aren't necessarily wrong for doing so. Earlier is not always better.
I'd still rather know and just not transition than to deal with not knowing personally. Of course other people's experiences may very.
This. I fucking hate being in the closet. But at least my life makes sense now. At least I know what I've been hurting from.
Same, I hope your able to safely come out to friends. My egg cracking gave me so much clarity on my life. I only wish it had cracked sooner.
Wrong year so far...
Fact; you can have as much genders as you like.
Just hang loose, blood. She gonna catch ya up on the rebound on the med side.