Read the most recent issue of Department of Truth. The series has an excellent premise and a lot of incredibly interesting ideas it explores, but I think it's plot gets lost in the conceptual framework it's created. I completely devoured the first 20+ issues with zest. However, the last few issues have got more bogged down with exposition and digressions that I am losing track of what the hell is even going on amymore. I'll keep reading, not with as much anticipation as before though.
Been watching the Legion tv show which has rekindled my interest in X-Men. It got me to revisit the beginning of the modern X-Men with Claremont's legendary run. I haven't read these in decades, so I am looking forward to see how well they hold up. My library was able to get the Uncanny X-Men Omnibus Volume 1 on Interlibrary Loan which has something like the first 20-30 issues of the run. Looking forward to it. It's amazing how much Claremont created and how it's basically the X-Men bible going forward. One of these days I'd like to jump into the original run up until the Claremont era since I have read very little from the original run. I'm especially interested in the 70s stuff with Neal Adams that led into Uncanny, which always seemed like a prototype for the Claremont stuff, at least from what I've seen of them.