Food is rotting in fields and orchards in the CA central valley right now too, there's no labor to pick it.
The folks who voted for this shit are in for a shock when they see food prices and shortages in a couple of months.
Food is rotting in fields and orchards in the CA central valley right now too, there's no labor to pick it.
The folks who voted for this shit are in for a shock when they see food prices and shortages in a couple of months.
Shoulda voted Democrat.
Cry me a river! You voted for Cheeto Mussolini. You get what you deserve.
Only something like 1 in 3 Americans voted for Trump. Now the whole world has to face the consequences to various degrees.
Unfortunately yes. That would be called consequences.
Good. Atleast someone is going to learn a hard lesson here.
They didn’t learn anything last time. What’s different now?
They were barely affected last time, this will hit their livelyhood hard and the tarrifs are gonna screw them
His first time was riding the Obama economy and now he doesn't have the buffer. The US is crashing faster now. His first term didn't effect farmers as quickly and as much.
Well, they voted for Trump, they got Trump in all his glory, with all the dreadful things he promised.