Halito ikhana! Hello friends! Posting has now been opened to all users. Please feel free to post whatever you like as long as it's somehow related to the community topic.
The one type of post I'd like to curtail is selling/buying, but honestly, we'll deal with those on a case-by-case basis.
If you happen to make something cool and want to show it off, go for it! If someone by chance wants to make an offer, that's no problem. If someone is hunting for some regalia or is looking to commission something, I don't see any reason to get in the way as long as those types of posts don't get out of control. One-off types of things are not a problem. My main concern is making sure that we don't become some kind of alternative store front.
Aside from that, please feel free to join the conversation. I look forward to seeing what folks post!