this post was submitted on 16 Mar 2025
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founded 2 years ago

I found this chart on reddit some time ago, I thought to repost it here as well

(page 2) 16 comments
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Is this chart actually used in prescribing patients? I find that concerning. I have abnormal metabolism on several of my CYP enzymes, plus I have other medications that are ligands of them as well.

For instance, there are people who have multiple gene copies of rapid metabolizing enzymes. They may not get any side effects, but may also not get any benefit.

An intermediate metabolizer may get a better response at lower doses and not have to worry about side effects at all.

Compared with someone who has two inactive copies of the primary metabolic enzyme, they may end up with significant side effects and no benefit at low doses.

The only way to know your metabolism is genetic testing. (Which they have studies for, and some insurances cover).

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

Escitalopram and Trazodone here. Out like a light on the latter. Only way I can function.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

Duloxetine made me really tired. Fatigue to the deepest level. I tried for two months but did not ease, had to switch back to sertraline. Any anecdotes of similar? Anyone find a good one? Was trying to get off sertraline due to weight gain slowly over a long time.

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